Written by Gustavo Malamud who lives and works in
Buenos Aires, making all kinds of terrible things with moderate optimism.
Speak your mind. Or else
find out a bit more about me.

Some setup notes on Andrea Fomeras Learn Hotwire Course
April 9, 2022
Short notes on how to avoid certain pitfalls
Using partials with Eleventy
November 29, 2021
Eleventy seems like a such a nifty tool for building websites, doesn't it? Yet why, for some things that are basic to it like partials does it seem so obscure for the documentation to find?
Yerida, and other hard choices
July 7, 2020
On how/ why I left Israel.
Building your coding career anew at 36. (Part 1)
October 13, 2019
On how to start over at 36 without losing your mind. Or how somehow I made it without going bald!